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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm Following Mia Hamm's Advice

In my previous post, the Mia Hamm quote is about celebrating your success and setting the bar higher. That's my goal. I just finished a motivational speech contest in Toastmasters and on February 17th, I will compete at the next level. Mia and others say we should enjoy our victories and [then] keep going. I will do that. Starting now. WAHOO! YIPPEE! HALLELUJAH!

And I'll keep writing. [You can click on the title of today's post or click here to read one or two of my recent articles.] Writing has helped me think about a lot of diverse areas which has helped me in creating my speech. I was told that The judges really noticed my creativity and noticed much of my speech was "from scratch." My goal was to be unique, memorable and motivational. In addition, I wanted to give the listeners tools to help them motivate themselves.

At different points in my speech I drew upon experience in personal and professional development work, years in Toastmasters, Bible reading, telling stories, watching movies, watching TV, listening to music, reading books, public and Catholic education, and more. I thank God for this chance and for the competition that brought out the ability to "take it up a notch" as one of my opponents and friends, Dori Klass put it. Today I'll go to Dori's house for our quarterly Toastmasters party and live it up a notch!

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